Season IV – GW 1


PREM: Bigo1 with a strong start here. S&G the only promoted team to win. Will that continue? I have no idea. If I did I wouldn’t typing this. I’d be living on island being fed wine and grapes and winegrapes by nymphs. A lot of nymphs. GoFYS was heard screaming his team name at his squad this week. It was loud.

CHAMPIONSHIP: Narrowly missing promotion last year, Granitza starts off hot again. And a very strong showing by all of the teams that both promoted and start with the letter “B”.

LEAGUE 1: Ship and Anchor with a super hot start here. Mff and Leviosa start where they left off last season. Where is that? Hottsville. That’s where.

LEAGUE 2: Welcome to BFFA everybody in LG 2. DCLFC and Tralfamadore (sprained my finger typing that, it’s gonna be a long year) with the solid start here. Gadagnome is simply consistent. Two drops in two consecutive years and a blazing 14 points out of the blocks. Brand consistency is awesome.

Don’t forget to check out the Best-ish standings. It’s fun. And worth a cool $100.

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