League Discussion – Transfer Waiver Order

BFFA closes transfers between the draft and the end of the EPL transfer window. Once the window re-opens on September 2, the waiver order is set up so that the bottom of the league at that time has top priority and choice from the current crop of available players. From the RFF site:

As per the usual weekly RealFF transfer window, you’ll be able to line up your preference of players to transfer in at end of the transfer window. You’ll receive 1 player from your list at 18:00 (GMT) on Wednesday September 2nd (24 hours after the end of the English transfer window) at which point the transfers occur in favour of the players lower down the league. The user bottom of the league will get their first choice player; Second bottom will then get their preferred player if available and second choice if not etc.

A few managers have voiced an opinion differing from the current set up, and would like to see the teams that drafted last on Sunday – the 10th, 9th, 8th, etc. – having the first crack at available players when waivers open on September 2, instead of reverse order of the standings at that time.

I’m curious as to other BFFA manager’s opinions on this matter. Please post your thoughts on this matter below by adding a comment in the comments section. Thanks, everybody.


  1. Interesting idea, but I’d probably prefer the league order by then. That’s a few weeks action beyond the draft so bottom teams will have a bigger need and understanding of where their gaps are to plug.

  2. Disagree, and I picked 9th! There’s no reason someone picking e.g. 9th couldn’t have picked a better squad than someone picking early, even though you miss out on one of the ‘big 4’ players. I found having picks 9 and 11 (Benteke and Giroud) preferable to getting an Aguero type and then having to wait to pick 20…

    IMO the best thing to do is offer a leg up via the waivers to those who drafted poorly through their own choices, not to those who use a late draft order as an excuse…..

  3. I don’t care about the order. What I care about is the super far out there Sept 2 date to be able to bring in free transfers (aka hidden performers, new players, etc) – We’re essentially playing ‘set it & forget it’ for the next three PL weeks of play. Why? So come Sept 2 everyone can rush to try and get the few big name international signings on priority transfer that may or may not pan out. This greatly hinders the beginning of season week-by-week, match-by-match team management and squad building.

    • Last year after the waiver window opened and closed and the free transfer window opened players who were transferred in to the EPL became available for whoever happened to be online at that time they were added to the site. RFF provided this closed window option and we are going to run with it. It puts more weight on the draft and the first 4 out of 38 weeks. I like it a lot.

  4. I guess the fairest way is by league position. Saying that I autodrafted dzeko but currently topped so looks like I’m fckd either way

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