1. Eh, Chelsea loses at home to Crystal Palace. West Ham pounds Liverpool. Man U down a goal to Swansea with ten minutes left in the match. It’s one of those weeks.

  2. I hesitate to suggest something that might create a lot of work and organization, but what do you think about creating a backup “paper” transfer list for today only. Everyone would send their final transfer sheet to their league administrator who would then facilitate an ultimately fair process.

    Say I had the #1 pick and I want to trade Erik Lamela for Kevin DeBruyn, but Real FF neglects to add DeBruyn until Wednesday. Then I’m screwed cuz Real FF processed my posted trade (Lamela for Shelvey) instead of the trade I really want. It would be the administrator’s job to field any protests from a team, check the sheet to confirm that my team really wanted DeBruyn in spite of Real FF not updating their rosters, and then make a ruling on where DeBruyn goes. So if Real FF processed Lamela for Shelvey, but Dare grabbed DeBruyn once he was available, the admin would ask Dare to trade DeBruyn for Shelvey.


    • I’m sympathetic. I reached out to Real FF about De Bruyne yesterday but haven’t heard back. I also noticed inconsistent metadata – Jeremain Lens listed as a FWD instead of a MID. Mentioned that, again, haven’t heard back.

      I’m not the commish, but while I think you have a good idea, I also think it would be too late in the game for the commish to pull together in a day. But lessons learned for next year, if we stick with RFF, eh?

    • Yes, good idea but too late to pull something off. DeBruyne is on the list. If I’m correct, it’s not RFF that adds the players to the lists, it’s Opta.

  3. Everything seemed to work out well with the “supplemental draft.” For those curious, here’s how things worked out in the “premier league.”
    East Loop – Pedro
    Chucky – Otamendi
    Goleta Hotspur – DeBruyn
    Vanishing Spray – Shaqiri
    SBTVA Onion Baggers – None?
    Sporting Wicker Park – Mori
    Bigo1 – Son
    KH Granitza Sting – None?
    GoFYS FC – None? Kone? Couldn’t tell.
    London 49ers – Vardy

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