World Rankings

Monday 16th July, 2018

The BFFA World Rankings

I hope you’ve all enjoyed the World Cup, wherever you are.

On the August 6th FIFA will be updating their world rankings and England’s World Cup effort should lift them up the ladder. Happy days!

We, however, have never officially rated our teams on their successes…until now!
Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you the first edition of The BFFA World Rankings:

All 58 teams ranked by success
The BFFA World Rankings in full
Teams A-Z
Team Ratings in alphabetical order
Which national team are you?
BFFA Teams and their international counterparts
Official wording to be decided. Suggestions welcome! 😀 

What does this mean? Good question.

For every match you’ve played in the last four seasons, you’ve been scoring points. Go you, congratulations!

For every win you’ve scored 300pts, for every draw you’ve got 100pts, and nothing for losing.
These points are multiplied three times by a number that reflects:

  • Match Importance,
  • Strength of Opponent &
  • A Champions Bonus
    (See below)

Just like FIFA, in every season your scores are averaged. Those season averages are then totalled together to give an overall Team Rating. These are the ranking scores you see above.

Do you like what you see? No? Then you must play harder this season; be ruthless, take risks, trade often, WIN!

Have a great summer! See you at the Draft.
– Starmer


Okay, here’s the boring bit – the maths, for anyone interested.
Match Points
For every win you score 300, for every draw you score 100 and for every loss you score 0, the same as FIFA do.
Draws in knockouts are a little bit different, but we’ll come back to that.
These points are multiplied by a number which reflects the importance of the game.
For example, points for Champions League Group games are increased x1.5; Cup/CL Quarter-Finals are doubled; Cup Final points are tripled.

Then that score is multiplied by the Strength of Opponent.
This is a number between x1 & x2. Peter Blake gave us the formula for this and it’s much more precise than simply ranking teams by position. It rates your opponent by their total matchpoints at the end of the season compared to top and bottom.
If you beat the team at the top of the Best-ish Table then your score is doubled; if you beat the team that finishes last then there’s no benefit (x1). All other team’s strengths are graded as a ratio of their score against first and last.
Thirdly there’s a Champions Multiplier for anyone who beats (or draws against) any successful team from the previous season. There are big points for beating the League or Cup Champions and also bonuses for beating (or drawing with) any other team that has qualified for the Champions League.
For example, in the 2018/19 season you will receive an enhanced score if you can beat/draw with Mighty Fine Feeling or Tralfamadore Zoo as they are reigning Cup Champions. You also get bonuses for playing any of the League Champions, anyone who came second or third in their League and anyone else who was good enough to qualify for this season’s Champions League. A full list of multipliers are in the diagram below.
That all generates a score for every match you’ve played.
Lastly, all of those match scores are averaged to give a rating for each season.
Every season’s rating is added up to give each team a total score.
Manager Rating System
How the ratings are calculated
How match scores are calculated
Match score examples

So that’s it. The more you win, the better your average. If you win important games, you improve your score. If you beat high-scoring & successful teams, you get an even better score and decrease theirs. The more seasons you play, the more averages you add to your all-time total. The higher your rank, the more respect you earn, the better your standing in the community and the closer you are to immortality.

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