Best-ish 11

Best in Colour, Courtesy of Andy the Photo Dr.
Picture courtesy of Andy the Photo Doctor 

The Best-ish:

It’s the award that goes to the highest total fantasy score in BFFA every year.
It is an accolade based on the fact that no matter how well you do in BFFA, no matter the amount of points your squad may score, you will never, ever, be as cool as George Best. You can try. But, yeah, good luck with that.

Previous Final Standings:
Best-ish Season 10 // Best-ish Season 9 // Best-ish Season 8 // Best-ish Season 7 // Best-ish Season 6
Best-ish Season 5 // Best-ish Season 4 // Best-ish Season 3 // Best-ish Season 2 // Best-ish Season 1

The regular season finishes after Gameweek 36. The placements for the postseason will be set at this point.
The Best-ish Tournament itself will continue all the way through to the end of the season.

After Gameweek 29:

Best-ish 11

2Gloopy Yarbles1459
3De Bruyne Trousers1426
4Boudi’s Crew1353
5Housewives Favourite1313
6Alleviate the Tedium1282
7Tino’s Legacy1280
8All Star Gunners1271
9SkyPlayerinFPL BFFA1249
10Preliminary Version1243
11Smash & Grab1242
12BattleVAR Galactico1240
13Route 57 FC1224
14mighty Fine1209
15Barons FC1208
16The Phenoms1203
17Slots Fired1201
18Atletico Topo Chico1199
19IB Lausig1196
20AFC Chester1191
21Shams army1188
22El Dude Bros1161
23Gnonto Seed1155
24Sporting KhilMaan1132
26Bigger than Brolin1110
28Uncle Monty1106
29Goleta Hotspur1098
30Borussia Teeth1095
32Flubbing Yanks1069
33Whiskey De Bruyne1024
34Sporting Wicker Park1016
35Partey Time FC993
36Vanishing Spray FC984
37Harambe Hotspur981
38East Loop United979