1. Digging the variety. Where be the discussion? City get thrashed, awesome. Liverpool supporters crowing really loud about it, less cool. Arsenal blowing it, super wack. Real Madrid thrashed, getting better. Spurs hailed as new overlords, wack again.

    • That El Clasico was El Poopio. And I’m not gonna lie, I’m really looking forward to a clean sheet by the Cheerleader lead Crystal Palace Eagles today to boost my BFFA points for the week. Hopefully Hennessy isn’t sipping on a bottle of his surname during the match and he is up to the task.

  2. In true Chucky Pad style after a terrible start I’m now storming up the league. 4 in a row baby. People need to step up against Granitza Sting FC by the way, only Chucky has beat them (twice). Get it together.

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