1. I think I’ve got the moderation set now to we just have to approve their first comment and then they’re good to go. Technology = neat.

  2. Some good stuff after a half of football…

    12 points already in the Thierryierre (8) – (4) Bigger Than Brolin match.

    Ed Hussar being stunned early by Madigan (who drafted the entire Chelsea bench as well as every other injured and transferred out player) (0-2)

    Tossers FC is in the red (-1 – 0). Luckily, they’re up against Rob’s team, who might double that in short order.

    Liam and Jesse are knotted early on (4-4). The All Star Gunners have Rooney as their captain and this number could balloon.

    Back to you Gerald.

    • No exciting scores so early but the match ups are:

      49ers (Mikey) vs East Loop (Gordon)

      Goleta (Lael) vs Chucky (foggy)

      Spray (me) vs GoFYS (Shane)

      SB Town (Dare) vs Bigo (Nicolas) Game of the week in my mind!

      Wicker (Forbes) vs Granitza (Michael)

      • The wife is a Swans fan (so I’m kind of a secondary fan) and let me tell you, those kids played great yesterday. They took the attack to Chelsea and didn’t relent. Gomis in particular looks so much better than last year, but it helps to have Ayew doing a lot of the heavy lifting now.

      • Here is my entirely inaccurate take on where we stand after 9 matches with # of players left in () :

        (1) Gene’s Unicorn Reserves 16 – 35 RFF Board of Directors (2)

        (3) The Money Team 17 – 23 All Star Gunnars (1)

        (1) Tossers FC 21 – 36 Smash & Grab (1)

        YNWA 26 – 21 Guinness Gunners (2)

        (2) Thierryierre 16 – 26 Bigger Than Brolin

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