GW 7


-PREM: The title defense is in full swing over at GoFYS while FC Santa Barbara is showing that promotion was #NoJoke.

-CHAMPIONSHIP: It’s tight at the top with Chucky Pad leading the Championship Charge™. S&G and Granitza are more than ready to take over the top spot when play resumes.

-LEAGUE 1:Banterlona extends their lead over the pack of 5 that is looking up at them. Don’t sleep on the Bob Bradley Banana Swans. Gylfi still not on the board. It’s getting troublesome.

-LEAGUE 2: Pretty spread out race here for the newcomers. We expect things to start taking shape in the next 3 weeks. Don’t nap on Chester.

Don’t forget to check out the Best-ish standings. It’s fun. And worth a cool $100.

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