GW 37


PREM: The Prem never fails to disappoint. And here we are again, down to GW38, where it will be decided. SB Town has rolled into not only Prem title contention, but also Best-ish contention. Wicker will try to make right on what has been a great season. But the train that is SB Town may be hard to stop. That final CL spot is up for grabs, too, between FYS, Spray and Bigo1, who is also on fire.

CHAMPIONSHIP: The third promotion spot competition is a ridiculous affair. Granitza, Chucky and ASG(!) have positioned themselves to go up. Who will it be? All eyes on this prize in GW38. There is some nail-biting shizz going on down on the bottom, too. Instead of mentioning it, let’s just watch it play out, shall we?

LEAGUE 1: It looks as if Brolin has captured the title hear on total score, but what a battle it’s been all year here, especially down the stretch between them and Barkley. Yet another third promotion spot is up for grabs, though, between Banterlona and Swans. Swans way up on score, so a Banterlona loss and Swans win means the Swans go up! Gylfi made a valiant effort but fell just short.

LEAGUE 2: It’s been a good finish here and depending on the “ghostship effect” there will more than likely be more than 3 going up from here. So, the question is, who will finish 4th? Very interesting finish coming here…Pretty solid effort from all top to bottom, kudos to all involved. This pleases the BFFA Gods.

Don’t forget to check out the Best-ish standings. It’s fun. And worth a cool $100.

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