GW 32


PREM: #3 & #4 take out #1 & #2 to make things interesting again at the top. East Loop wins a 6pt-er against Cornballers to create some space between themselves and the trap door. Reykjavik is M.I.A.

CHAMPIONSHIP: Well it looks as if the once immortal S& G is suddenly mortal. Money is only 6 points off with 6 matches to play. And once-left-for-dead Goleta is looking to go back up as they leap frog Granitza and Chucky. But wait. What’s that? That’s Lima. Holy crap. And here I thought Surge was only an energy drink.

LEAGUE 1: The top three are stepping away from the pack. Four teams in the hunt for that fourth spot, tho. Amirite?

LEAGUE 2: Harambe puts Mff on notice. Kind of. And that middle is getting pretty clogged. Nine points separate 4-9. Hmmm.

Don’t forget to check out the Best-ish standings. It’s fun. And worth a cool $100.

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