GW 31


PREM: Spray defeats Wicker in a 6 pointer to keep hopes alive. Cornballers misses an opportunity to overtake East Loop…but…they play each other this weekend. And #1 vs #4. And #2 vs #3. It’s THEE WEEK in the PREM, bizznatches.

CHAMPIONSHIP: Once referred to as “boring as piss” or “really hard to watch” or “why even play this division?” (one of those) the Champ is suddenly a hotbed of excitement, infested with intensity and squeaks de bums for the 3rd promotion spot and that cherished CL spot, 4th place. The bottom three is taking shape as we all thought it would. Once Branwellington passes Ghostierryierre, that is.

LEAGUE 1: The B’s still sit atop…but looky there…it’s a Gylfi.

LEAGUE 2: Relic and Sexpats have their eyes on Chester. That is all.

Don’t forget to check out the Best-ish standings. It’s fun. And worth a cool $100. (I didn’t update these. Stop complaining.)

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