Gameweek 4 Scores on the Doors

It’s that moment of the week you have all been waiting for. Well most of you (hopefully). Sadly the powers to be ran out of suitable candidates and identified me as the person to share the scores on the doors. If you don’t wish to know the scores, look away now.

Premier League

Smash lived up to their name in their hammering of Vanishing Spray (as well as points). Brolin didn’t get the win this week, slipping to a 2 point loss to East Loop. Wonder if it was Kante or bonus points Gordon? Brolin remains a fat contender in second place in the table with Loopy rising to third. Reykjavik got their first win on the board with a cool win against Chucky, 55-44. Bigo hasn’t reached their heights just yet, but snuck to a 2 point win against the Money Team, who must want a refund. Santa Barbara got a sunny win against Unicorn and their rather low 10 points. A Unicorn has one more point than Robby so far, propping up the top table.


Blues continue to boss with their 100% record, winning a top of the table clash with Goleta Hotspur. Mighty Fine must have been Mighty Sick as the Swans got a win and went Bananas. The Gunners were told to Go FYS as they slipped to fifth. PSV were PS V bad this week with a 20 point defeat, but still scored more than Robby. Relic slip to the bottom of the table with a 5 point defeat to SB Town.

League One

Cornballers steam ahead at the top with a high scoring spectacular against DC who remain nearer the basement than the summit. Trafalmadore slipped from the top as they suffered a surprise defeat to 7th place Granitza, though am sure Peter saw it coming. Chester beat Yarbles who are bottom and Gloopy at the thought. QPR sneaked past Yer Man and Branwellington hammered Wijnaldum to stay mid table.

League Two

Increible also are undefeated and grabbed the spoils against Glentoran. Route 57 are heading in the right direction with a high scoring victory against Bony. Harambe must be thanking their lucky stars with a 1 point win against winless Mourinho. Sugar Daddies failed to taste the sweetness of victory this week with a first win for Tiger Tail. Globes send Gadagnome back to their usual place with a 7 point victory.

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