Season 5 – Gameweek 26 Results

The results are in!

Premier League

I’ve always wondered what picture you would see next to the definition of “that’s some weak ass shit right there” in the dictionary. Now I know. It would be the BFFA Prem GW 26 standings with Vanishing back on top after YET ANOTHER 30 SOMETHING TOTAL POINT VICTORY. Chucky and East Loop are scrapping. Don’t count them out quite yet. Unless you already did. That’s fine, too.


That 3rd relegation position race is kinda sexy, let’s admit it. Four managers losing sleep every Friday night before each weekend begins. Or drinking themselves to sleep. Or watching quilting shows to fall asleep to. Or reading this to help them sleep…

League One

Zoo continues to roll. Cornballers continues to get their business done and rack up points. Stillluv and Gloopy with a couple of down weeks that will surely make them appreciate the off week we have now. Granitza looks dangerous. If you lose in this league you are nearly guaranteed to drop 12-15 spots…let the accordion-ing continue.

League Two

Take a moment out of your day today to look at the Gnome/Harambe final score. This has to be some sort of record? They scored 17 fewer points combined than Hung Like scored on their own. Look at it again. If you giggle, we won’t judge you.

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