Season 5 – Gameweek 18 Results

The results are in!

Premier League

Of note here is that Bigo has started scoring a lot of points and the rest of the division should start worrying. Though it would appear that there is currently a Big Four in the Premier, looks may be deceiving. Have you seen The Crying Game? Yeah.


ASGs are still scoring points somewhere at this very moment. Looks like Santa came early down in Oz as they put up 85. After the holiday fixtures there should, no doubt, still be a Big Three here…can they coast through the remainder of the season and promote to the Prem? Probably. If I were one of those three teams I’d treat myself to extra egg nog. And maybe even steal some presents from children. Children who have too many presents, of course.

League One

Though they are in the drop zone, Chester put up 79 this week as a “Don’t You, Forget About Us…” Simple Minds kind of moment. Which reminds me that I learned some pretty sweet swear words watching Breakfast Club on HBO in the 80’s. What doest his have to do with fake soccer teams? Probably nothing, but I hope you watch it over the holiday break and learn some, too? I’ll stop typing now. Look at the results and standings.

League Two

Have you heard that song by Billy Idol called “Mony Mony”? I think it’s a cover, but it’s played a lot at weddings around where I reside. There are usually a lot of drunk people itching to do the Chicken Dance all hopped up on blackberry brandy. They yell “Hey! Hey what? Get laid! Get fucked!” during the reprise in the song. It’s really funny watching the elders at these weddings look shocked, as they dip into their 5th deviled egg. Oh, Bony put up 77 this week and sits 3rd in a hotly contested top of the table here. When I see the team name Bony, I sometimes start singing that Billy Idol song in my head. That’s the connection. That’s why I typed that stuff. O.K.

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