Season 5 – Gameweek 13 Results

Premier League

Bigger Than Brolin and The Money Team lost this week but are still making themselves at home in the top two branches of the Premier League oak tree like a pair of cuckoo chicks in another bird’s nest. The only team in the top five to win a game were Vanishing Spray. Chucky Pad Warriors pulled level on points with Smash & Grab by robbing them in a high-scoring, single-point thriller. Bigo1 are off the bottom and Gene’s Unicorn Reserves also won to keep chase on that magical seventh-place and safety.


The battle of the top two was wrapped up before kickoff on Monday when Berg Gudmundsson didn’t turn up. Fernandinho came off the bench to score five points, but it was one short of levelling the game. Boss’ Blues left Sigurdsson on their bench as a big middle finger to MFF saying “we don’t need him, we’ve got Salah”. Bold move. The All Star Gunners have now won six in a row, pulling level on points with Mighty Fine and dropping Banana Swans into the relegation zone. Sporting Wicker Park eased three points out of bottom side Relic; PSV did the same with now-tenth SB Town and GoFYS doubled Goleta’s score.

League One

How frustrating is it to score 50 and lose? Well it happened twice in League One this week because the Zoo and Branwellington absolutely smashed it! Tralfamadore stay top and increase their lead to seven. AFC Chester and DC LFC ended their combined run of thirteen games without a win – Chester beat mid-table KH Gran and DC beat second-place stillluvQPR. Good work lads! Gloopy Yarbles also took home three points and look like they might soon escape the relegation zone.

League Two

Tiger Tail are on an incredible run of form. Since losing their first three games they’ve now won nine of the last ten. Cabezazo and R57 are still racking up the wins like notches on Darren’s bedpost and Hung LAB are still up there too despite losing ground. Harambe and The Globes are not just a gorilla-fronted steampunk band, they are also two teams desperate to get away from the bottom of the table and get back in the fight for the money. They both got over their losses last week, fixed up, looked sharp and took the three points home.

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