Semi-Finals: The First Legs

It’s Semi-Final Fortnight! Not as catchy as ‘Super Sunday‘ but way more interesting. It’s so thrilling that my conscience has strong-armed me into condensing the excitement of both reviews into one manageable article.

The Europa League

Oooooh! Look at that! Now that’s a close match, cor blimey! The Premier League’s FC Santa Barbara will take only a single point advantage into the second leg. The only team remaining from Round One are not that far ahead of Gloopy Yarbles in the Best-ish Standings either. The Yarbles, the only non-Premier League team in the EL Semis, are currently 26th in the table, only 17 points below their opponents. The return leg promises to be a close match too.

In the other game between the Warriors and the Unicorns, 7th and 8th in the Premier League, both scored highly but Gene’s Unicorn Reserves hold a firm advantage after the first match. That 12-point lead accounts for half of the 24-point difference in the teams’ totals for the entire season so far and, having beaten their opponents twice this season already, a Warriors comeback is very much on the cards.


The Champions League
The Battle of the Cup Winners has started with fireworks as both teams typically racked-up above-average totals. Atypically though, Tralfamadore Zoo hit 78 – equalling the best score in Champions League history, first set by Sporting Wicker Park in the Group Stage two years ago. The next best CL score in a Semi-Final was 59, registered by Vanishing Spray, also two years ago. Consequentially, Mighty Fine Feeling face the largest point-chase in the CL to date and will prepare to launch the biggest comeback of the competition’s history this week.

You would be right in saying that the other Semi was closer, but All Star Gunners will walk into the Tokyo Express Arena this weekend confident of seeing this fixture through and putting the demons of last year’s SF loss to rest. They led Sporting Wicker Park 47-39 at this point last year but lost their heads in the second leg, losing by 21. 21 would be enough to turn this tie around too, but is it too much for AC Reykjavik BayCobblers to ask for?

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