PREM: The Resistance struck back. Also, the Empire won. They’re confusing times. Bigo1, East Loop and three of the bottom five vanquished their on-the-day nemeses on the day. Bigo1, decidedly the Guardiola City of the joint, walloped the Money Team with an aesthetically pleasing 63-36 scoreline. Vanishing disposed of Wicker in a tight 57-54, East Loop trounced Grab 72-40, and GoFYS went full namesake on Santa Barbara, taunting the latter with a four point victory, like “what? I don’t need to do more, punk. Points mine, you lose, suck it.” SB Town defeated Chucky Pad 56-48, resulting in SB Town leapfrogging the Pad and the Pad sinking suddenly to ninth on 41 points. Sixth through eighth: SB Town, Vanishing and the Money Team cluster on 42 behind Smash on 43. Bigo1 leads, followed by East Loop, Sporting Wicker and Santa Barbara. But just two points behind Santa Barbara, the aforementioned Smash and the relegation-terrified masses. The margins, they are so fine. It is pro-rel hell.

-CHAMP: Top v bottom when Cornballers welcomed Champ leaders BayCobblers to town, and Iceland’s capital city emerged with three new shiny points to add to the ice dragon’s hoard. Goleta upset Gene 46-28, meaning Gene drops to third and Goleta moves clear of the moon door to seventh. Brawlin’ B beat the AS Gunners 38-33 to move second, Barkley beat Sting 66-30, and Banana bested Branwellington 44-30, so Sting finds itself one off safety; Branwellington, three. Mathematically, if Cornballers win all its remaining matches and Sting and Bran win none, Ballers could still make the Great Escape. Someone mentioned sidebets around-about somewheres.

LEAGUE 1: PSV defeated AFC Chester by the slimmest of margins, 44-43, meaning Chester has had a rough couple weeks and the Wide Opens remain out in front of a tight pack. Four points back, Wijnaldum kept up the pace and stayed second with a 61-40 blunderbussing of Tiger Tail. In the battle between three and four, Relic defeated Mighty Fine to claw its way over MFF back to third, level on points but ahead on Bestish—the point differential in the week’s scoreline providing the edge. Head to head, duel-style, shoot-to-kill justice. Elsewhere, QPR beat Sexpats, who look destined for the drop. They may still have life in ‘em yet, but it’s getting late. Fourth Place beat Yer Man but with Tiger Tail still remains 8 points from safety.

LEAGUE 2: Tralfamadore won, but not by much this time, edging Mourinho-LO 46-42. Just south, Yarbles defeated Gadagnome 58-38 and DC LFC beat Bony 60-50 in a hard-swinging bout. The Zoo leads League Two by a commanding 10 points, and with second and third both winning, it’s as-you-were in the promotion spots. Route 57 beat Glentoran 54-35 to keep pace with the front runners, but the lead set by the early season sprints from the top three may ultimately prove too wide a gap to narrow. 57’s win, coupled with M-LO’s loss, however, sees the two swap fourth and fifth, 57 currently in the final Champions League spot.

Don’t forget to check out the Best-ish standings. It’s fun. And worth a cool $100.

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