PREM: Sporting Wicker jumps back to a place they were used to last year…top of the table. FCSB joins them, and then it’s a typical Prem clusterf*ck below…

CHAMPIONSHIP: Referred to as the “Championship Knifefight”, well we cannot disagree. Major movement at the top and only 3 points separate the top 7 sides.

LEAGUE 1: Another battle at the top here Relic continues to lead the way. It’s PSV who is looking the most dangerous now, though, beating an unlucky Wijnaldum 63-60 this week.

LEAGUE 2: This would be known as a three-horse race now. Teams at the #4 through #10 positions have their work cut out for them as winter sets in to try and keep pace with Zoo, DC and Gloopy.

Don’t forget to check out the Best-ish standings. It’s fun. And worth a cool $100.

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