PREM: DRAWS! Two of ’em. Finally. Now the season can officially begin. East Loop and Chucky Draw to stay atop as co-leaders. Here comes Wicker. Slight separation from the bottom 3, but that probably won’t last long.

CHAMPIONSHIP: CORNBALLERS! Brolin breaks from the pack here as Granitza reappears in the top 3. Unicorns desire to be noticed. Gunners can’t catch a break. Can’t. Catch. A. Break.

LEAGUE 1: TOP HEAVY! 5 teams within a point of the top of the table.  But it was 6th place Chester who sent a shot across the bow beating the ever-high scoring Relic. We have a feeling this division will be a toenail biter throughout the season. And that’s gross.

LEAGUE 2: SOMETHING EXCITING! Zoo and DC break keep pace with each other. Gloopy puts up 58 to solidify a top three that wants to pull away. Gadagnome on pace to hit 300 total score by Christmas.

Don’t forget to check out the Best-ish standings. It’s fun. And worth a cool $100.

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