PREM: East Loop bounces back and puts up 69 this week to stay on top. Chucky Pad is the hottest team in this division at the moment, though, while Wicker is back to their high scoring ways, leading the division in total score. Spray and GoFYS are not scoring enough points at the moment to survive. Let’s admit it, they both currently stink.

CHAMPIONSHIP: Reykjavik claims the top spot here again. Barkley looks a threat, but Gene and Brolin are going to have to score more points to stay in the top half of the table. Huge point range in this division would could spell ugly or even fugly for some here. Cornballers have some work to do to stay up. It may feel early, but 6 weeks without a point has to feel kinda stinky to the C’Ballers faithful. Also, ASGs somehow on 6  points with a score of 317. Holy stinky hell.

LEAGUE 1: Wijnaldum climbs above the rest here but it’s still Relic with 332 in the scoring column that looks the strongest of the pack. The bottom three are struggling down in stinkville.

LEAGUE 2: There’s a three horse race up top in LG2. It’s super tight. Down at the other end Gadagnome opened their account to make their season smell a bit better. Hung will need to pick it up before they find themselves below Gadagnome, something we thought impossible one short week ago.

Don’t forget to check out the Best-ish standings. It’s fun. And worth a cool $100.

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