2015-2016 BFFA CUP

We will do a “live draw” on RabbleTV and/or YouTube for each round, beginning with the First Round Draw on December 10, 2015.


The BFFA CUP winner  gets auto-entry into the next season’s Champions League. If they do not qualify for Champions League in their respective division, they knock out the lowest Champions League qualifying team (team with the lowest number of table points).

Note about the BFFA Cup: If teams play to a draw they then play a replay match per the BFFA Cup calendar, as they do in the FA Cup. If you draw again, we go to total goals scored and if there is still a tie, we go to assists, and if there is still a tie, we go to clean sheets. After that, we all quit. O.K., we’ll flip a coin.

PRIZE: The BFFA Cup Champion not only gets $100 and auto-entry into the Champions League*, but they also receive the BFFA traveling trophy, to be mailed to their residence. They will then need to mail the trophy to the winner the following year, unless they can somehow miraculously repeat. The current holder of the BFFA Cup (an invisible trophy at the time of this writing) is SB Town United Athletic Onion Baggers.

The 2015-2016 BFFA Cup Calendar:

December 10 – BFFA Cup First Round Draw. Two teams receive a bye.

January 2 & 3 – BFFA Cup First Round

January 16,17 & 18 – Replay “Draw 8” if necessary

January 23 – DRAW BFFA Cup Round of 16

February 6 – BFFA Cup Round of 16

February 13 – Replay Round of 16 if necessary

March 5 – DRAW BFFA Cup Quarterfinals

March 12 – BFFA Cup Quarterfinal

March 19 – Replay of Quarterfinal if necessary

April 3 – DRAW BFFA Cup Semifinal

April 9 – BFFA Cup Semifinal

April 16 – Replay Semifinal if necessary

April 30 – BFFA Cup Final (tiebreaker rules apply, there is no replay)



*If the BFFA Cup Champion does not finish in the top 4 places (CL places) of their division, they will replace the 4th place team with the lowest Table Points (W-D-L) in the league. The tiebreaker in this case will be Total Fantasy Points. If still tied at that point we will take head to head if they played in the BFFA Cup and then a 3 out of 5 coin toss.

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  1. BFFA Cup Live “Draw 8″ | Both Footed Football Association

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